Daily Archives: March 26, 2009

Chinatown Rhapsody

Cold Tofu is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting diverse images of Asian Pacific Americans through comedy and to developing multiethnic talent through education and performance. Check out their video “Chinatown Rhapsody” below. (FYI – the Forbidden City Nightclub in San Francisco Chinatown was huge back in the day.)

If you like the video and you’re in the Los Angeles area, you can see Cold Tofu live. Get details here.

Chinatown Rhapsody

Asian Americans behind Watchmen

Watchmen has been out for a few weeks now. By now, you should know that one of the Watchmen screenwriter is Alex Tse. We have a few other videos of Asian Americans behind the scenes of Watchmen including Director of Photography Larry Fong and Prop Master Jimmy Chow.

Larry Fong – Director of Photography for Watchmen

Jimmy Chow – Prop Master for Watchmen

Update: CAAM just added an interview with Watchmen screenwriter Alex Tse

Wong Fu Productions vs Jin

The day after the ISA SF Concert, all the performers went to the 4Cthepower event to teach kids about the tricks of their trade from music to art to film making. As the 4Cthepower event wrapped up, Jin offered the kids a opportunity to battle him. There were several takers including Wong Fu Productions’ Philip Wang. Check the battle of Wong Fu Productions vs Jin. (don’t forget the “Jin, do my voicemail” Contest)

Wong Fu Productions vs Jin (If the video does not play, you may need to watch in HQ.)

Boogie Bots T-shirt Contest

Remember the Boogies Bots from America’s Best Dance Crew Season 2. Watch Ryan “Gesture” Dalisay and Joesar “Joesarmander” Alva tell you about the Boogie Bots T-shirt Contest. You have about a week. Deadline is March 31, 2009. Winner will be announced on April 2, 2009.

Send in your designs to: boogiebotscrew@gmail.com

You can submit more than one design.

Also add Boogie Bots as your friend on MySpace here.

Boogie Bots T-shirt Contest