This clip from Adam Carolla’s podcast has been circulating around the Net. Shock Jock Adam Corolla slams Manny Pacquiao & the people in the Philippines while mixing up the Philippines with Thailand. Here’s the clip of the Adam Carolla’s comments that raised an uproar.
Adam Carolla vs Manny Pacquiao & the Philippines (contains profanity)
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This isn’t the first time he’s insulted Asian Americans. Previously, Adam Carolla, has called Native Hawaiians “the world’s dumbest people,” “retarded,” and “in-bred.” as well as insulted a Korean American actor by mouthing “ching-chong, ching-chong.”
Over the weekend, Adam Carolla issued a semi apology on twitter
“Read your comments. Sorry if I offended many of you. I don’t preplan my commentary. I try to be provocative, funny but I crossed the line and I’m sorry.”
“By the way, I think Manny is a great fighter,” he wrote in another tweet.
The tweeted apology is not enough for some, so an online petition is circulating called “Filipinos Demand Apology from Adam Carolla”, you can check it here.
According to news in the Philippines, Manny Pacquiao has already accepted Carolla’s apology (interesting that the news called out Adam Carolla’s Italian heritage.
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To: Adam Carolla, CBS Radio
Dear Mr. Carolla,
On behalf of the Filipino and Filipino American community, we are writing with disappointment and disdain in your choice to verbally slander Manny Pacquiao, the Philippines, and the Filipino American community. Your words were unnecessary, hurtful, and erroneous. When you insinuate that Filipinos “pray to chicken bones” or that the Philippines only has “Manny Pacquiao and sex stores,” you fail to recognize the millions of Filipinos and Filipino Americans who have contributed significantly to the United States and to the entire world. We do not pray to chicken bones. We are Catholic, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, and other religious and non-religious people who are civilized, educated, and successful. We are not sex workers. We are doctors, nurses, teachers, professors, artists, community organizers, writers, politicians, journalists, engineers, activists, fashion designers, accountants, entrepreneurs, researchers, social workers, public health advocates, athletes, chefs, and post office workers. We have taken care of you in the hospital. We have taken care of your children. We have taken care of your elderly. We have worked hard to achieve our American Dream, and you have no right to denigrate us like this, merely to get attention.
This is not the first time you have gotten into trouble for your racist remarks. You’ve called Native Hawaiians “the world’s dumbest people,” “retarded,” and “in-bred.” You’ve later insulted a Korean American actor by mouthing “ching-chong, ching-chong.” And now you apparently are trying to gain attention by insulting Filipinos and the Filipino American community. You apologized to the Asian American community before, but it seems that you have not yet learned your lesson.
It seems that time and time again, “celebrities” and “comedians” feel that it is acceptable to degrade Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in public forums. You would never have said such things about African Americans, as you recognize that your career would plummet, as exemplified by the falls of Michael Richards and Don Imus. What you need to recognize is that racial hate and ignorance about any group is wrong and unjust. And what you also need to recognize is that your hate towards Asian Americans, the fastest growing racial minority group in the United States, can also lead to your career’s demise too.
You say that the Philippines has “nothing better going on for it” because of their support for Manny Pacquiao. What you fail to recognize is that the Filipino American community has strength in our unity and our ability to mobilize, particularly when we are blatantly mistreated or belittled by people in the public eye. There are an estimated 3 million Filipino Americans in the United States, with millions of other Filipinos across the diaspora. We are projected to become the largest Asian American population in the United States, and we have allegiances with many communities of color. We will boycott your show and all of your parent companies unless you offer a public apology to Manny Pacquiao, the people of the Philippines, and the Filipino American community.
The Undersigned
Let’s hang this moron named Carolla upside down and turn his head into a punching bag.
The fact that Filipinos are getting so worked up about this only proves that Adam touched a nerve. Here’s some serious questions I have for the “Filipino Community”.. Why do Filipinos even care what Adam Corolla thinks? Why do you even bother sending him a letter? Why are you listing out all the professions that Filipinos can be? Why Are you trying to prove that Filipinos are worth something to someone who is so ignorant? Why are you criticizing him for insulting Hawaiians as well? In short, Filipinos getting worked up about his ignorant comments only show that more then just a few Filipinos are scared of the words of an ignorant celebrity. What you, ARIEL DRIZ, and all FILIPINOS need to recognize is that he has freedom of speech, and that is an incredibly important freedom. Racial hate and ignorance about any group of people is wrong, but I say to you, racial pride makes you ignorance of every other race. Would you stick up and be so outraged if he made fun of any other race? Are you so prideful of yourselves that you fail to see other races? Or that race is meaningless and we are all human beings? When we die, we have no skin anymore. Shame on Adam, and Shame on you.
To: FrankFreedom
And your point is?
Yes we still have pride and we still have dignity frank. Personally speaking your words are not really therapeutic at all, and when we die, we’ll die happy without the skin, we’ll die happy because of the satisfaction and fulfillment in fighting racist people like that anouncer named Adam C.
hey frank,
Everyone has freedom of speech, and one can voice their own opinion about anybody Adam carolla’s comments are even magnified because he’s got listeners. Rather than generalized asians and blame the victims of mr. Carolla’s ignorant comments. you should think of it this way, what if a neighbor goes to your child’s school and slanders your child or tells malicious and demeaning stories to your other neighbors. what if your neighbor who is as ignorant as mr. carolla, went to your work and spread nasty rumors to your boss. it’s just human nature to defend one’s reputation and straighten the facts you don’t have to explain to the people who knew you but to those people who don’t know you and your family they might affect how they view you or your family. that’s why filipinos and asians must stand up to such ignorance and malicious attacks. so people who don’t understand will be enlightened
peace to all
Adam is not a racist. He pokes fun at every race, have you listened to his show? I’m Asian-American and I absolutely love him because I know that it’s just a joke. He just has a provocative, edgey image. Comedians make light of a lot of things, including race and gender. They push the envelope. I know that’s what he’s doing so I don’t get offended. He’s a sweetheart, really. I met him and he’s just lovely. He makes fun of himself and his upbringing, more than anything else. Anyone who listens to him knows that. Maybe some of you don’t appreciate humor that’s un-PC. His style is similar to South Park. They do a lot of borderline racist things on their show, but they make fun of EVERYBODY, they don’t leave anyone out! Personally, I think it’s hilarious. And that’s what Adam is, too, in my opinion.
For the love of god, get over it Philipinos! Truth hurts sometimes, dosen’t mean it’s racist!
nice to see that you’ve managed to solve ALL your problems that you can now all focus and put your combined efforts into this……
Well, it seems okay to be racist after all. Making fun by racial remarks may that, making fun. But keep it to your selves! And what do you know about the truth Bone? You guys may have fantastic lives, I presume. Perfect!
Corolla is right