We just got this urgent message from the good people of the San Diego Asian Film Festival (SDAFF). If you’re in San Diego, some out to support them. If you’re not in the San Diego area, you can write and email. Although this seems like it only affect San Diego, it will eventually affect directors, actors, and Asian American film with one less venues to showcase their work.
As you can tell, the City Council vote on the Hazard Center Redevelopment Project will affect us as well as many other San Diego film festivals. Come show your solidarity this Tuesday, May 18 at the City Council chambers, when they will be moving forward on that day with a vote on the Hazard Center Redevelopment Project.
We’d like to be there in full force to show our solidarity as a community. If you can join us, we’d be incredibly grateful for your time and support. For more information on the Hazard Center Redevelopment Project, click here.
Tuesday, May 18, 2 PM
202 C Street, Downtown San Diego
City Council Chambers, 12th floorWith thanks and appreciation,
– The San Diego Asian Film FoundationSDAFF Needs Your Help! Take Action in 5 Minutes.
Hello SDAFF Family and Friends,
As a supporter of the SDAFF, we hope you will take 5 minutes to personalize and email the following letter to all the San Diego city council offices and the mayor. We are trying to get 200-300 emails in by the end of the day to help postpone a vote on the Hazard Center Redevelopment Project (which will greatly affect our film festival and other San Diego film festivals) on Tuesday, May 18th. If there’s anyone else in your office, family, or network to do the same, PLEASE ask them to! Thank you so much – it means very much to us!
*Email your letter to:*
shadley@sandiego.gov , cbarfield@sandiego.gov, afaucett@sandiego.gov, jslack@sandiego.gov, anthonyyoung@sandiego.gov, jfoxrice@sandiego.gov, shill@sandiego.gov, dmullen@sandiego.gov, edemorest@sandiego.gov, fmonroig@sandiego.gov hperaza@sandiego.gov, benhueso@sandiego.gov, JerrySanders@sandiego.gov, kmichell@sandiego.gov
*Feel free to personalize the following letter in any way you would like.
Please be sure to leave your full name, address, and title if appropriate.*Dear Councilmembers and Mayor,
I am writing to urge you to postpone your vote on the Hazard Center Redevelopment project on May 18. As a voter and supporter of the arts, I am very sad and disappointed to learn that the Hazard Center theater is set to be demolished under this proposal to make room for a parking lot. This venue has become a cultural destination for tens of thousands of us who have attended the San Diego Asian, Latino, and Jewish Film Festivals for more than a decade. These festivals have collectively brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue to the city, and have made San Diego into an international arts destination.
Moving forward without studying the full impacts of the proposal could have a severe impact on Arts and Culture in the San Diego region because losing the Hazard Center Theater WILL displace these festivals given the lack of affordable and accessible theater venues in San Diego. The developer OliverMcMillan has stated that it was committed to helping the Festivals find a new home. However, the only solution offered – the Gaslamp Theaters – would create such a financial burden on the Festivals, that they would have to dramatically change their operations or go out of business. We cannot let this happen. Please postpone your vote on May 18 on the Hazard Center Redevelopment project so that the festivals have more time to find real solutions in securing their futures.
Thank you for your consideration,
Here’s what SDAFF is trying to do for the community:
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