Voo Dude

Voo Dude

Custom Revenge Dolls are the name of the game in the short film “Voo Dude” for the Interpretations Film Initiative. The quirky action comedy doesn’t have a lot of big name stars, but it’s nicely done. It stars Casey Chan (The lead dork), Gemma Nguyen (The Ex), Robert Ryu (The New Boyfriend) , and Andrea Procopio (The Voo Dude). Somehow they managed to fit a Bruce Lee homage into this tale of revenge.

Here’s the director’s statement on the short:

So my girlfriend at the time (now Fiancé) Alice sends me this link about a film competition.

I look at the rules and my mind shuts it out, I glance at the line and my brain screams “I can’t work with these lines!!”

So after the hurricane of edits died down, I revisited the website, I click on Blow out sale by Timothy Kendall and my world opens up completely. He didn’t let the lines restrict his story and it was very inspiring. So I start drawing, and end up drawing Voodoo dolls for some reason, and a lot of mustaches. I start formulating scenarios with these lines. My adrenaline kicks in.

And now, after a month from the initial storyboards, I’m sitting here with Alice after submitting the compressed version of the film to the website, quiet and nervous. I’m very grateful for our team and everyone who helped us along the way. It was awesome working with you all, let’s tackle another one soon!!

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Voo Dude

Voo Dude (behind the scenes)

Also check out Spice It Up with Feodor Chin, Kill Joy by Steve Nguyen x Brian Tan, Doggy Style by Shane Sato, WWJD with Randall Park, Mother by John P. Raposas, and The Necklace with Karin Anna Cheung

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