Staying in Russia, the Amazing Race teams travel from St. Isaac’s Cathedral to the Abtobo Circus. Teams are clowning around when they learn a traditional Russian circus act, but it’s no joke when multiple teams make a critical error and misread a clue, jeopardizing their positions in the Race. Will Team Jumba remain in the Amazing Race Season 17? See the full episode here.
Spoiler Alert!!
When the circus gates opened, the seven teams rushed to the cluebox to find a Detour giving them the choice of Circus Band or Circus Clown. Team Jumba went for Circus Clown. In Circus Clown, teams made their way under the big top to learn a traditional plate spinning routine. If teams could keep ten plates spinning simultaneously for at least ten seconds, a clown would hand them their next clue. They became immersed in a crazy world of dancing clowns as the teams unsuccessfully attempted to spin plates on wooden poles with the chaos surrounding them. After several attempts, the father and son team complete the task and move on to the next clue.
Arriving at Bank Bridge, Michael & Kevin opened their next clue instructing them to travel on foot to 1 Vladimirskiy Street Tower. Teams could ask locals for directions, but they could not pay a taxi to lead them. Once there, only two team members at a time could climb up to the tower. Then, they had to figure out that the small figurine on the ledge was inviting them to visit the famous St. Petersburg building, the Church on Spilled Blood. Teams then had to walk to the church to find their next clue. Team Jumba arrived at Bank Bridge and mistakenly asked their taxi driver to lead them to 1 Vladimirskiy Street Tower in direct violation of the clue. Descending the tower, Nick decided to mislead Michael & Kevin by saying they only saw something that said “DS13”. Kevin thanked Nick for the information, saying, “I don’t think Nick would lie to us because he’s awesome.” However, Kevin realized he was mistaken about Nick after Kevin and Claire discovered the figurine on the ledge of the tower. Running back to the street, both Brook & Claire and Michael & Kevin failed to read their clue carefully and jumped into taxis rather than continue on foot to the church.
Arriving at the Church on Spilled Blood, Michael & Kevin pulled up to the church in taxis. Nick noticed the two teams exiting their taxis and Kat said, “They’ll be penalized.” Running past Nick, Kevin called him out about the tower, saying, “You guys lied to us?” Nick responded vaguely that he was just here looking, prompting Kevin to believe that Nick lied to him again. After getting his clue, Kevin said, “We want to beat them [Nick & Vicki] now. We want to say, ‘Lying’s not going to help you.'” At the Church, the next clue instructed them to solve the riddle of where Peter the Great is buried, Peter and Paul Fortress, and travel there next.
Teams head toward Peter and Paul Fortress. The oblivious Michael & Kevin continued towards the fortress in a taxi unaware they had made a second crucial error. Arriving at Peter and Paul Fortress, teams ran to the gorodki courts to find a Roadblock. In it, one team member had to master the Russian game known as gorodki. Using a wooden bat, teams had two tries to clear all the pins before they’re reset just like in American bowling. If they succeeded, they could move on to another pin formation. Once they cleared three different pin formations, they would receive their next clue.
Michael elected to perform the Roadblock for his team as son Kevin cheered him on. Michael struggled to even hit any pins when he launched the wooden bat. Kevin suggested, “You need to use a little more strength.” As teams complete the tasks, Michael still struggled to even clear the pins on the first formation causing Kevin to become increasingly frustrated with his father’s performance. As teams enter the court, Kevin’s anxiety rose further as he told Michael, “I’m begging you to finish this. We’re gonna get last ‘cause of this.” Team Jumba finally finished the roadblock and head towards the Pit Stop.
Waiting in the wings, a relieved Michael & Kevin stepped onto the mat thinking they now had narrowly escaped defeat, but their happiness turned to shock when Phil informed them that they broke two rules: hiring a taxi to lead them to the tower and taking a taxi from the tower to the Church on Spilled Blood. Each mistake would cost them 30 minutes, resulting in a one-hour penalty. As the father and son waited alongside the mat, Chad & Stephanie returned having settled with their taxi driver. Phil then informed the dating couple that they had broken a rule by taking a taxi from the tower to the church resulting in a 30-minute penalty. However, since Michael & Kevin were waiting out an hour penalty, Chad & Stephanie finished the day in sixth place. Returning to the mat, Michael & Kevin received the bad news from Phil that they had been eliminated from the race. Kevin said, “I’m really proud of my dad for doing this race with me. He’s always been my role model. I’m learning every day to not get frustrated and to be positive towards each other.” Michael added, “I know my son a lot better than before the race. I think this race kind of pulled us together again. I’m really proud of him.”
Phil tries his best to get a smile out of Kevin, which proves to be no easy feat, while Michael remains as positive as ever
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Even Though Kevin and his dad didn’t win the 1 million, They still get to travel to places.