Horseless Headsman Snickers commercial

Horseless Headsman Snickers commercial

As we get closer to Halloween, we are increasingly seeing this Snickers commercial. When he’s hungry in Halloween, the Headless Horseman becomes the Horseless Headsman. On Halloween night, kids are out trick or treating and along comes a giant head with kids’ feet sticking out. The head is a CGI head of a white haired older man, who bumps into a car as he walks down the sidewalk and encounters a group of kids. It says, “I am here for your heads! I’m the horseless headsman”. The kid in the alien costume says, “I think you mean the headless horseman”. “No, I mean the horseless headsman”, the big head replies. The Asian kid dressed as dracula says, “Have a Snickers”, and hands him a Snickers Bar. Big Head says, “Why?” Asian kid replies, “Because you get confused when you’re hungry”. Big Head puts Snickers in his mouth and eats it. Asian kid says, “Better?” Big Head says, “Better!” The commercial concludes with the tag line “You’re not you when your’re hungry”. Like this post if you’ve seen this commercial.

Horseless Headsman Snickers commercial

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