When It Counts : Episode 2

When It Counts : Episode 2

The new Wong Fu Productions webseries “When It Counts” continues with episode 2. Things get weird and awkward in the dance studio after Matt (played by Phil Wang) reveals to Anna (played by Aimee Lee Lucas) that he likes her, but Anna isn’t interested. Matt avoids Anna throughout the practice. Their friendship further divides when Anna backs out of working with Matt on new pieces of choreography due the following week. Seeking another partner, Matt asks Tammy (played by Yuri Tag) collaborate on the choreography. The two seem to get closer as they work together on new dance moves. (Listen for the song Underneath You Love by David Choi as Matt and Tammy practice.) With all the one on one time with Matt, Tammy contemplates revealing her crush on him. Should Tammy tell Matt how she feels?

Previous episodes:
When It Counts : Episode 1

When It Counts : Episode 2

Tammy responds to your advice to Should you say what you feel to the person you like? The viewers are split.

More about When It Counts
Wong Fu Productions’ webseries “When It Counts” explores the relationships between 4 friends on a college hip hop team played by Phil Wang of Wong Fu Productions, Mike Song, Yuri Tag, and Aimee Lee Lucas. The interactive series offers the viewer an opportunity to give Tammy (the main character played by Yuri Tag) advice after each episode. Your advice may be featured in the series.