Daily Archives: November 17, 2008

2008 Entertainement Weekly 25 Entertainers of the Year – Asian American edition

Yunjin Kim and Daniel Dae Kim were selected as one of the 2008 Entertainment Weekly’s 25 Entertainers of the Year. They pair landed at #17 for their role in Lost. Here’s why the pair were placed on the list:

Once upon a time in the land of Lost, a boy named Jin married a girl named Sun. Alas, they did not live happily ever after: Jin grew distant; Sun became alienated. Then they boarded Oceanic 815, and that didn’t go so well either. The couple’s tenuous relationship played out for years as a nuanced romantic subplot that always felt a tad removed from the other stories on the island. Until season 4, when Lost supercharged the saga of Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) and Sun (Yunjin Kim) so that the story radiated intrigue, redemption, and heartbreak, and plugged them into the greater mythology of the island. ”We have a fan base, but it tended to be fans of romance,” says Daniel. ”The big question was ‘There’s a reason Jin and Sun are here. How important are they to the overall story?’ [Now] we’ve started seeing how we tie in.”

Also spotted on the list was the Stars of Bravo. Padma Lakshmi is part of the group of star as the co-host of Top Chef. Entertainment Weekly Readers also picked the cast of The Office with Mindy Kaling as a cast member.

Yunjin Kim and Daniel Dae Kim talk about Lost