Daily Archives: April 7, 2010

Adam Carolla vs Manny Pacquiao & the Philippines

This clip from Adam Carolla’s podcast has been circulating around the Net. Shock Jock Adam Corolla slams Manny Pacquiao & the people in the Philippines while mixing up the Philippines with Thailand. Here’s the clip of the Adam Carolla’s comments that raised an uproar.

Adam Carolla vs Manny Pacquiao & the Philippines (contains profanity)

This isn’t the first time he’s insulted Asian Americans. Previously, Adam Carolla, has called Native Hawaiians “the world’s dumbest people,” “retarded,” and “in-bred.” as well as insulted a Korean American actor by mouthing “ching-chong, ching-chong.”

Over the weekend, Adam Carolla issued a semi apology on twitter
“Read your comments. Sorry if I offended many of you. I don’t preplan my commentary. I try to be provocative, funny but I crossed the line and I’m sorry.”
“By the way, I think Manny is a great fighter,” he wrote in another tweet.

The tweeted apology is not enough for some, so an online petition is circulating called “Filipinos Demand Apology from Adam Carolla”, you can check it here.

According to news in the Philippines, Manny Pacquiao has already accepted Carolla’s apology (interesting that the news called out Adam Carolla’s Italian heritage.