Kevjumba’s Kenya Challenge

We saw Kevjumba in Ghana for the Amazing Race last year. Team Jumba had a lot of ups and downs in that country. They didn’t get eliminated on that leg of the race, but helped build some houses out in Ghana.

Recently, The Supply Education Group issued a challenge to Kevjumba to return to the African continent to teach underprivileged kids in Kenya. Meet class 5 in Kenya and see their message to Kevjumba. These students have had it rough and the Suppley Education Group is trying to inspire them to get an education to bring themselves out of poverty.

So did Kevjumba accept the challenge? Here’s his twitter response:

Love this video! I would gladly accept this challenge, who wants to go to Kenya with me??

Later he wrote on his blog:

When I watched it I was all smiles, especially when the kid said I was handsome. I was inspired, so I’m talking to the guy right now about making a trip over there.

Are you down for the challenge too?

Kevjumba’s Kenya Challenge

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