Why I Write: Verses in Exile #1 by Kosal Khiev

Why I Write: Verses in Exile #1 by Kosal Khiev

WHY I WRITE is the first episode of VERSES IN EXILE, a spoken word video series produced by Studio Revolt in collaboration with Khmer Exiled American (K.E.A.) poet Khiev Kosal. Through his poetry, Kosal reclaims his place in the world as a free man— a step that begins in Cambodia not America. Raw and unassuming, his performance makes walls disappear leaving room only for emotions. His poetry hits the heart. right where X marks the spot.

Also check out the work My Asian Americana.

Why I Write: Verses in Exile #1 by Kosal Khiev

More about Kosal Khiev
Kosal Khiev is a poet, tattoo artist, and survivor of the US prison system. Kosal currently resides in Phnom Penh after spending 14 years of his life in U.S. prison. After his release he spent another year in an immigration holding cell after which he was deported to Cambodia, a country he has never been. Kosal tells pieces of his story through the art of spoken word poetry.

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