Easter (Spoken Word) by Only Won

Easter (Spoken Word) by Only Won

Happy Easter from channelAPA.com!!! Here’s a spoke word piece from rapper Only Won about the true meaning of Easter.

Easter (Spoken Word) by Only Won

Lyrics to Easter (Spoken Word) by Only Won

Just wanted to take this time to remember what Good Friday and Easter is all about.
Cuz there are many of those out there today that still have doubts.
See God engineered a plan. He chose to integrate his life as a man.
Fluidity couldn’t calculate the smoothness of His Plan
Lived a life of love so that we could love to live and so it seems
like anodizing metals, he protects our dreams
but on the cross he hung…Remember he did nothing wrong
convicted of telling the truth that He is God.
But that’s ok, cuz by this act, we were saved.
See we didn’t know it, but in fact, we were slaves.
to a world that is dying each and everyday.
Peace will only come when we are willing to say.
Lord, forgive us for straying so faraway
So on the 3rd day you rose from the grave
Supernatural can’t define this glorious day.
So I accept your love, your gift, and who you are
who is that?…Jesus Christ..the real Superstar

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