First World Problems

First World Problems

You know many people in third world countries have basic necessity problems like food and water. While not as dire as third world countries, first world countries have their own issues too. Ryan Higa and some of his friends explore these first world problems (FWP) from food to climate control to lack of comments/like on you status. Whether it’s getting a new iPhone or what you want for your birthday, the tough decisions cause so much angst. Circular dilemmas, such as the chip to dip balance and whether to get the TV remote or not, become the critical options in the first world. The FWP helping kit could be the solution to their problems. The kit comes with a bridge, a straw, and a full cup with cover. See how these items can help with the help of Ryan Higa. Look for cameos by Wong Fu Productions, D-Trix, Lana McKissack, and more.

Look for more products that Ryan Higa pushing: P90Flex, Hard And Black Realistic But Not Real Gun, TeeHee Band,ShamWooHoo, Snuggo, and iNavigator.

First World Problems

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