The Asian Pacific American Medical Students’ goal is to increase the number of bone marrow registrants with the “1,000 Cranes of Hope”. Help achieve the goal! Become one of APAMSA’s “1,000 Cranes for Hope” by taking a simple cheek swab and registering to become a bone marrow donor. Or “Pledge It Forward” by becoming a “Golden Crane of Hope” who organizes / facilitates / speaks at a “Be The Match” Party or Bone Marrow Registration Drive during APA Heritage Month 2009. Take action right now by forwarding this video to your friends. Sign up at or email today!
This reminds us of Project Michelle last year.
1,000 Cranes for Hope with Yul Kwon
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More about the origins of 1,000 Cranes for Hope
The “1,000 Cranes for Hope” Campaign is a tribute to Sadako Sasaki, the girl from Hiroshima who developed leukemia at the age of 11, as a result of radiation exposure to the Atomic Bomb when she was 2. To give Sadako HOPE, Sadako’s friend folded her a gold crane while telling Sadako the legacy of “1,000 Cranes.” Sadako believed that if she folded 1,000 cranes, the 1,000th crane would cure her of her disease. Sadako completed folding 644 cranes before she passed away. Her story was so inspiring that her neighbors and friends folded the remaining 356 cranes, to keep Sadako’s legacy for HOPE alive. Every Peace Day, Japan honors Sadako’s legacy by folding 1,000 cranes.