Cindy Chang on America’s Got Talent

Cindy Chang on America's Got Talent

42 year old opera singer Cindy Chang gave her all on America’s Got Talent. The former technical writer/editor is currently a homemaker. She always wanted to be a singer, but her parents never approved. For starting her voice lesson in her mid to late 20’s, she’s got some strong vocal chords. Cindy had lots of support in her Minneapolis audition from the fans and was sent to Vegas. Last night, the judges soured on her performance and she was sent home. It’s too early to tell if Cindy will continue performing, but we hope she does.

Cindy Chang’s Minneapolis Audition

Cindy Chang’s Vegas Audition

1 thought on “Cindy Chang on America’s Got Talent

  1. Jo

    I felt so BAD for Cindy!! 🙁 I mean..a GREAT voice..and then the judges dismiss her for finding it too “wobbly/warbly”….??? Um..NERVES, anyone??? I guess there’s no room for that, huh?..yet..they gave a 22 year old another chance to come out and re-audition, and then put her through! NO ONE ELSE got the same consideration! While I love watching this show, there’s just some things I’ll never “get” or understand about the process.

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