Kunio Kato wins Best Animated Short at the Oscars

Although Slumdog Millionare dominated at the Oscars, “La Maison en Petits Cubes” aka “House of Cubes” won Japanese director and writer Kunio Kato an Oscar for best animated short. This was his first Academy Award nomination and win. Kato’s accetpance speech was Short, sweet, simple, and funny. Here’s his speech

“So heavy. Thank you very much. Thank you, my supporters. Thank you, all my staff. Thank you, my producer. Thank you, Academy. Thank you, animation. Thank you my company, Robot. Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.

Thank you very much.”

After the Oscars, his acceptance speech was all the buzz. Follow these link for more about Kunio Kato or his Robot Communication Inc.

Kunio Kato wins Best Animated Short at the Oscars

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