Kim’s Convenience play

Kim's Convenience play

Toronto reader, check out the play “Kim’s Convenience”. It’s also the winner of the 2011 Toronto Fringe New Play Contest. Here’s a synopsis:

Mr. Kim is the proud owner of Kim’s Convenience, a local store in Regent Park, downtown Toronto. He lives in a small 3 bedroom apartment above the store with his faithful wife and their 30 year old daughter. He’s always dreamed that one day he would pass the store to one of his children but today he was given a generous offer for the store.

From hilarious to poignant, Kim’s Convenience tells the comedic story of a Korean family in Toronto struggling with the future of their convenience store amidst the echoes of their bitter past. Loosely based on the prodigal son story, it is a play about debts and reconciliation.

You can catch Kim’s Convenience as part of the 2011 Toronto Fringe Festival this week and next. Get more info on tickets here.

Kim’s Convenience play

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