It’s Lin-sanity!!! Jeremy Lin has had an amazing season so far and everyone has caught the fever. In a great tribute, one Asian superstar recognizes another as Jin recently released Nick of Time, a song praising the Knicks player’s faith in God. Check out the inspiration behind this song and what motivated Jin to Lin-sanity as we chat one-on-one with the rapper.
What inspired the Jeremy Lin song? Was it mainly the Asian-American bond?
It was a combination of things. The natural connection would, of course, be the Asian American experience as well as the challenge of facing new territory in our respective career paths, but it wasn’t necessarily these aspects that lead me to write the song. I saw an interview of Jeremy’s sometime late last year on where he was specifically sharing his faith and how it plays a role in both his career and outlook in life. As I was chartering into new ground on my own spiritual journey, this interview should be considered the true inspiration behind the song. If you listen to the song, it’s not so much a Jeremy Lin tribute per se. [It’s] more so, how his faith has played a role in his trials and tribulations.
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Tell me about your spiritual path. What changes have you seen within yourself and in your life since you found God.
For me personally, the transformation that I’ve felt and seen couldn’t be confined to a paragraph answer in this interview. It’s really so much more intense and thorough. If I had to describe it one sentence, I’d say it’s been a 180-degree turnaround. Obviously, I am still a work in progress as I am learning more about God and myself as each second goes by on a daily basis. For your reference, I would recommend you check out this interview from last year here.
Are the Knicks your favorite b-ball team?
I have to be brutally honest. No, they are not. Let me rephrase that. I don’t think I’ve had a “Favorite Basketball” team since I was 14-15… that was the mid 90’s Chicago Bulls. Jordan, Pippen and the gang.
Of course, being born and raised in Miami I was extremely happy when they won a ring years ago with Shaq and Wade. Let’s put it like this, I’ve never had a dislike for the Knicks, yet I’ve never rooted for them in such a manner as I am now either.
Have you made plans to come to NY and catch Jeremy Lin in action?
I’ve been to one Knick game so far.. two years ago at the Garden. The next time I will be watching a game at the Garden they’ll be playing the Pacers. Looking forward to see Jeremy in action of course. Honestly, I’m more excited to see Novak raining threes.
As an Asian-American who has, almost overnight, been thrown in the spotlight, what words of wisdom do you have for Jeremy Lin?
Let God lead the way. Any other plan is bound to be flawed. The beauty of this is, he would be the first to agree.
Will there be a remix or part two to your tribute? Can we expect more sports-themed songs?
Doin’ The Landry!
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