Why Jeremy Lin? by Sam Louie

Why Jeremy Lin? by Sam Louie

Diversity trainer Sam Louie put together a spokenword piece “Why Jeremy Lin?”. He speak of race issues during Linsanity to the recent Jeremy Lin interview on 60 Minutes with Charlie Rose. “what’s evident is not what they didn’t see, it’s that Asians are ignored in reality!”

Also watch Lin.Sanity by Giles Li and Lin 467 to the Future.

Why Jeremy Lin? by Sam Louie

Words to Why Jeremy Lin? by Sam Louie

Why Lin?
He’s just an American,
Sure he plays ball and he’s Asian,
but why so much attention?

Lin to me is a symbol,
a symbol of culture,
long denied,
by the average white guy.

In America,
race is about slaves,
injustices to blacks,
that’s why Asian stereotypes persist.

But we exist we do!

In a time,
trying to be color-blind,
Kobe even been asked,
“Jeremy who?!”

Kobe’s not stupid or uninformed,
just didn’t want to acknowledge then number 17 in uniform.

His slight to Jeremy Lin,
just another example
of black-on-Asian racism.

Even black broadcasters agree,
on why Lin doesn’t deserve his financial monopoly.

Martin Luther King Jr.,
he had a dream,
if he were alive,
Asian issues would be televised.

60 minutes did it’s best,
chattin’ with Lin and commentin’,
“What do you think they didn’t see?”(Charlie Rose of 60 Minutes)

Well Charlie,
what’s evident is not what they didn’t see,
it’s that Asians are ignored in reality!

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